Community Resource Guide
Al Anon Meetings of West TN
Support for friends and family members of problem drinkers.
American Red Cross
(731) 286-4740
Central West TN Alcohol Anonymous (AA)
Crime Stoppers of Dyer County
TIPS FOR CASH “We don’t want your name, just your information”
CALL 731-285-TIPS (8477)
Dyersburg-Dyer County Union Mission
Christian para-church organization providing food, clothing, shelter, and spiritual support to people in need.
213 W. Cedar St.,
Dyersburg, TN 38024
(731) 285-0726
Matthew 25:40 / Dyer County Emergency Services
(731) 286-9054
Coordinates basic needs, financial aid, rent, utilities, medicine, and food. Helps develop long-range goals and objectives to improve self-sufficiency.
Mental Health / Substance Abuse
Here’s Hope Counseling: (731) 287-8100
Pathways: (731) 286-1589
Professional Care Services: (731) 287-1794
Youth Villages: (731) 288-4600
Life Choices Medical Clinic
(731) 286 – HOPE
Life Choices is a non-profit medical clinic specializing in pregnancy confirmation, education, and empowered decision making in the areas of sexual and prenatal health. Visit online @
Salvation Army
(731) 285-5556
Dedicated to assisting the needy in Dyer County. Provides soup kitchen and help to the needy.
West Tennessee Area of Narcotics Anonymous
24-Hour Helpline (901) 276-LIVE
Visit for meeting schedules in your area.
Tennessee Association of Alcohol, Drug & other Addiction Services
Airport Executive Plaza
1321 Murfreesboro Pike, Suite 155
Nashville, TN 37217
The Tennessee REDLINE (1-800-889-9789) is a toll-free information and referral line coordinated by TAADAS and funded by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities. The purpose of the REDLINE is to provide accurate, up-to-date alcohol, drug, problem gambling, and other addiction information and referrals to all citizens of Tennessee at their request. The Redline provides referrals for Co-Occurring A&D Disorders that arise along with Mental Health disorders.
GET FIT Tennessee/Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine
It isn’t easy, but it can be done. Studies show that people who use a program are more successful. Now you can sign up for the Tennessee Tobacco QuitLine program to help you quit for good. The program is free to all Tennessee residents and offers you access to a Tobacco Quit Kit and a Quit Coach who can help you learn how to deal with tobacco cravings and other challenges.
Visit: and call: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
For the hearing-impaired call: (1-877-559-3816)
Prescription Drug Take Back
Proper management of prescription drugs reduces avoidable poisoning of both children and adults and prevents intentional misuse of unwanted prescription drugs, especially by teenagers. Drop box located at:
Dyer County Sheriff’s Office
401 East Cedar Street
Dyersburg, TN 38024
and at:
Newbern Police Dept.
624 Nora Drive
Newbern, TN 38059
Poison Control
For a poison emergency in the U.S. call 1-800-222-1222
American Association of Poison Control Centers
Jackson, TN
Provides shelter and counseling for victims of domestic and sexual violence. 24-hour hotline.
CALL 2-1-1
A Free Community Service
Dialing 2-1-1 is a simple way to connect people with human services such as:
- Food, Housing & Clothing
- Utility Assistance
- Support Groups
- Healthcare Services
- Teen Pregnancy
- Senior Issues
- Transportation
- Prescription Assistance
- Seasonal Programs